Nappy Extensions is a way to let our customers know what's going on in the salon, and around the community and with us,
or with you. We will post weekly events and different things that you, our customers, would like others to know about. (You
just have to get your info in a week ahead of time.)
Oh! My Nappy Hair Salons are happy to announce a new social connection
within the Oh! My Nappy Hair Salon Houses. This new connection will be called Bridging the Nap. The salons in Oakland, California,
Los Angeles, California, and Atlanta, Georgia all will be participating.
Bridging the Nap came about because I feel
that we as humans have forgotten how to embrace each other as we rush through life. We go to work, home we deal with our families
and a few select people we call friends. Sometime you just might simply want or need a hug, or to be a part of a stimulating
conversation. Maybe you just want to listen, exchange your views with someone that hasn't heard them yet, talk about something
that is bothering you -- whatever. You don't have to get your hair done here to be a part of Bridging the Nap. You know I
believe that we are all cells within the body of God. Bridging the Nap will acknowledge that. "Good ness Begets Goodness."
Every location has a different schedule, they are as follows:
Atlanta - Every Wednesday @ 6:00-8:00
Los Angeles - Every second Sunday of every month @ 3:00-5:00
- Every other Thursday (Time TBA)